
Saturday, January 31, 2015


Experiencing Ecstasy

Standing still, staring into the blank space before her, while water drips from her hair, cascading down her back then legs.  She is very present in the moment.  Her intentions and desires embraces the space where she currently dwells.  Her body is enveloped by a warm invited mass from behind.  Her normal seemingly rigid posture falls into a pliable state.  Yielding to the arms that wrap her, to the hands that caress, and to the rhythmic breath that soothes and ignite simultaneously.  Their breath was in concert.  The tempo transitioned from Adagio to Allegro.  As he moved she moved.  As her body requested more he obliged.  This rhythmic exchange transcending time and normal consciousness.  

This experience is called Ecstasy.  To experience Ecstasy, one must be able to lose control.  Release expectation and feel your way through the experience while allowing the intentions and desires of your spirit to create Transcendence.

In the Keep It Movin Lifestyle, it is imperative to move beyond the everyday routine that is required on this journey we call Life.  If Ecstasy is allowed and experienced your creativity and spirit soars, and this Energy affects relationships, health, and careers.


~Inga Harmon-Cunningham

Saturday, January 17, 2015


"Even if you're on the right track, you'll get ran over if you just sit there" ~Will Rogers

I feel the Earth shifting beneath my finger tips...there is moisture and dry soil all around me....It's dark...I went in seeking what I thought was shelter....I lost my way...I can't stand up....There is no room...I felt the wall to my left to see if there is an right shoulder bumped into the wall on my right...inhale...exhale...heart beat is racing...inhale...exhale.

......Help!!!  Can You Hear Me!!!!  Anybody!!  I am in here!!!!

....Please Lord...Get Me Out of Here!!!! 

.....tears flow down my cheeks...seconds turn into minutes....hours...days...weeks...years...
....Spending my energy on screaming...scratching...crying...complaining

....Finally I stopped...silence surrounded me...then I heard...

..Don't turn around...Right knee...left hand...Left knee..Right hand.....KEEP Going!!

Keep crawling...Feel Your way can try to go left....try right..Just Don't Stop!!!

I started eyes adjusted to the darkness around me....I felt pain in my knees and hands but my eyes and mind were so fixated on what was before me that my mind compensated for the strength that my body was lacking.

I began  asking myself, "Why am I in here?" 

Keep Going!!! Right Knee...Left Hand...Left knee...Right hand...Don't Stop!!

There is light up ahead...I am feeling my way through...

The story illustrated above is the testament of the lives of so many...The walls may seem to be closing in around you...bills, challenges, delays and this journey we call Life may have you on your knees...Just remember to listen for the voice...feel your way through, and put one foot or one knee in front of the other...Keep growing stronger and more determined...The opening is in front of you....Navigate Through The Trenches.


~Inga Harmon-Cunningham

Sunday, January 11, 2015

Focused Energy

"We don't wait for the future to come to us.  We give birth to the future."
 ~Alain Yaovi M. Dagba

  Take a moment and revisit the thoughts and ideas that  flow through your mind and spirit during meditation and prayer...

....The same thoughts and ideas occupy a space in your subconscious, spirit, and even camp out on the surface and in the depths of your mind.

Many of us go into prayer and meditation requesting insight and solutions for our current state or circumstances...while having everything we need within or around us.

My friend, Ona Brown said it best..."We are sitting on a ham sandwich hungry!!!"  Every time I think of this statement I laugh, because it is such a great depiction of the state that many of us are in.  We have so many talents and ideas.... yet we continue to juggle our family while being under employed.....half swinging at our passions...barely staying above water trying to maintain our households and by the end of the month we have the white mouth, because we are still hungry.  Why?  We lack Focused Energy.

Focused Energy-Giving your full Attention, Investing Resources, and setting a clear well defined Intention towards a particular goal.

Make a commitment this week...I will revisit my passion...I will embrace my purpose...I will send all of my energy into one defined area for a period of time each day.....I will no longer sit on top of the Ham Sandwich Hungry!!!


~Inga Harmon-Cunningham