
Saturday, November 15, 2014

In All Thinigs

1 Thessalonians 5:18, Paul states "In Everything Give Thanks"

This week I witnessed a prolific speaker.  This minister was dripping with the Word and insight.  I found his clarification of the scripture simple yet very profound.  In the scripture above he pointed out that many of us are not able to Give Thanks and be grateful in our lives because we are waiting for material things to arrive, financial increases, substantial movement with our jobs or businesses, and even peace and happiness in our homes.  

Many of us are reading the scripture as "For All Things Give Thanks" but the word was written "In All Things..."  This is a game changer, especially if you are like me....waiting for Things and Improvements to occur, prior to Giving Thanks.

If you look at the man in picture above....He is surrounded by brush.  There is no one else around.  He seems to be in the middle of his own circumstances.  If the wind blows the brush may Move slightly or swiftly depending on how the current.   But in many of our current circumstances the wind is still and our situation seems to lack movement or progress.  Going back to the original scripture..."In All Things Give Thanks"  In Your current situation, be thankful and curious.  If there seems to be a lack of movement in the brush around you...Ask Yourself...Is there lack of Wind (Progress) or is it the limited Lens (Perspective) in which the circumstances are being Viewed?

If you don't see Movement....Close and Re-open your eyes...This time with a different Perspective.


Inga Harmon-Cunningham

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