
Saturday, October 25, 2014

Introduction To My Pain

My heart feels I inhale and exhale the weight seems to increase.  Tears well up in my eyes, because the pain can no longer be contained internally and must flow.  I swing my arms back and forth in hopes of alleviating the tightening in my chest, caused by the tension and brokenness of my heart.  Fast flowing followed by slow flowing tears cascaded down my cheeks.

I keep hoping and praying circumstances will immediately change, and the pain will end.  Unlike the many other facades of my Life....this circumstance or situation.....I can not seem to push past.  This time my Keep It Movin' mantra is not working.  I meditate every morning and pray at night.  Finally my conclusion is...I must Identify the true Source.....I must Realize that, there may not be a Solution....I must Find the Lesson....and the only way to Accomplish the previously mentioned to Get Introduced to My Pain.....Get to Know It and Heal!!!


~Inga Harmon-Cunningham

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